Macular Disease
Macular disease covers a range of painless conditions affecting the central retina (the macula). The macula, located at the center of the retina, is responsible for central and color vision, with around 90% of the photoreceptor cells in the eye concentrated in this area. When the macula starts to show symptoms, it can lead to blurred central vision, central vision loss, visual distortion, and even difficulty in distinguishing colors. It is one of the leading cause of blindness and severe vision loss.
Causes of Macular Disease
There are many causes of macular disease, but it is primarily related to ageing. As one ages, the photoreceptor cells and supporting tissues in the macula gradually deteriorate. Additionally, genetic predisposition is a major cause of macular disease, with individuals who have a family history of the condition being at a higher risk. Other major contributing factors include:
Genetic predisposition
Severe myopia (more than 6 diopters)
Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet light
High-fat / high-cholesterol diet
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Can Macular Disease Lead to Blindness?Macular disease can result in vision loss or impairment, but it does not necessarily lead to total blindness.
Does the Risk of Macular Disease Increase with Age?Yes, the risk of developing macular disease increases with age. Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is one of the most common forms of the condition and is more prevalent in older individuals, especially those over 50 years old.
How Can Macular Disease Be Effectively Prevented?Maintaining a healthy diet, avoiding smoking, using your eyes properly (e.g., taking breaks from prolonged screen time or close-up work), wearing sunglasses outdoors, and having regular eye check-ups can effectively reduce the risk of macular disease.
Can Taking Vitamins Prevent Macular Disease?Lutein, zeaxanthin, vitamins C and E, zinc, and copper can have some benefits in preventing macular disease, but they cannot completely prevent the condition. The best approach is to maintain a well-balanced and healthy diet.