Surgery for Entropion, Trichiasis, and Ectropion of the Eyelids

Surgery for Eyelid Entropion


Eyelid entropion refers to the inward and curling of the eyelid margin and eyelashes towards the eyeball. It can be classified into congenital, degenerative (due to laxity of eyelid tissues), and cicatricial (due to scarring of eyelid tissues).


When the eyelid and eyelashes turn inward, they can rub against the cornea and conjunctiva, leading to symptoms such as redness, irritation, eye pain, sensation of a foreign body, excessive tearing, and light sensitivity. In severe cases, it can cause corneal abrasion, infections, crust formation, blurry vision, and, in extreme cases, even vision impairment.

Eyelid Entropion Can Be Treated with Medication and Surgery

Eyelid entropion surgery is a definitive treatment for correcting eyelid entropion. If the entropion is caused by eyelid inflammation, the doctor may initially treat the inflammation with medication before proceeding with the surgical correction of the eyelid.

Eyelash Trichiasis Surgery


Eyelash trichiasis is actually a colloquial term used to describe an eye condition commonly known as "eye stye". It occurs when the oil, secretions, or debris block the opening of the eyelid's hair follicles, leading to bacterial infection and the formation of a pus-filled sore.


Small granules may appear on the inner eyelid, and the surrounding eyelid may become red, swollen, and tender.

Eyelash trichiasis can be treated with a combination of warm compresses, medication, and surgery.

In the early stages of eyelash trichiasis, patients can apply a warm boiled egg or a warm towel to the affected area on their own. Additionally, doctors may prescribe eye drops or ointments. If the condition does not improve, eyelash trichiasis surgery may be necessary. The doctor will administer local anesthesia to the patient and then make a small incision in the eyelid to drain the pus. Eyelash trichiasis surgery is considered a minor procedure and typically takes only 10 to 15 minutes.

Eyelash Misdirection Surgery


Eyelash misdirection can be classified into two categories: congenital and acquired. Congenital eyelash misdirection typically occurs in the lower eyelid, while acquired eyelash misdirection can be caused by conditions such as herpes zoster, conjunctivitis, chemical injury, or autoimmune diseases, leading to eye inflammation and subsequent eyelash misdirection.


Eyelash misdirection refers to the condition where eyelashes grow towards the eyeball, causing eye pain, irritation, or blinking. If the eyeball is repeatedly scratched or irritated by the misdirected eyelashes over a prolonged period, coupled with bacterial infection, it can potentially lead to corneal ulceration.

Eyelash Misdirection Can Be Treated With Surgical Intervention

Doctors treat eyelash misdirection using various methods such as plucking, electrocautery, cryotherapy, laser therapy, and surgery. If the misdirected eyelashes frequently recur, the most effective approach is to surgically remove the misdirected eyelash follicles completely. In cases where eyelid inversion causes eyelash misdirection, corrective surgery is necessary to reposition the eyelid margin and prevent further misdirection of the eyelashes.

Interested in learning more about entropion, trichiasis, and eyelash misdirection surgeries? Book a talk and consult with an ophthalmologist on-site for further information.

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